Saturday, July 07, 2012

GREAT!! just got $687 see this
WOW!! just made $755 see this

Thursday, July 05, 2012

great to see moms in my area are working from home looks like im joining the party

Sunday, April 25, 2010

I just updated my blog. New tip for your pets about Frontline Plus! Cheapest Prices!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Just An Overdue Update

Hey everybody I have been very busy trying to market my main website which is My doggie doors rather my dog doors, better keyword, are on sale and I have been very busy with twitter and facebook and all other marketing tactics. I am telling you to make money online and not spend your whole life savings takes a huge committment and an awful lot of hard work and you basically work for free until you make enough sales to actually start making a living online. This is very hard indeed. I know if you are looking for the right opportunity they all tell you you are going to make a lot of money by just following their directions but in reallity you will find out that you need to buy lots of tools first and pay extra for this that and everything. Now I just dwell on my site and try to better the SEO, get my page load time down and make sure my products are updated constantly. So right now I am trying out advertising on twitter through I will keep you updated about this type of advertising which is not too expensive. Here's another good place to go.

Search Engine, SEO, Search Engine Marketing & Search Engine Ranking

by Sylvia Einwechter